belt with smooth leather finish for casual trousers -ARTICHOKE HEARTS IN OLIVE OIL

Artichokes originated in the southern Mediterranean region and have be cultivated since ancient times. These artichokes are lovingly grown and then carefully preserved in extra virgin olive oil. Mahjoub uses the bottoms of a meaty local variety called Òviollette. Harvested from mid-February to mid-May, in a festival-like atmosphere, artichokes are an important staple of the Mediterranean cuisine and can still be found growing wild in Tunisia.

These artichokes are wonderful as antipasti or in a variety of preparations from salads to stuffings. They are also delicious in soups and pastas.

These condiments do not have preservatives. To make them last longer: keep upright, top with olive oil upon opening (can do this every use if desired), and refrigerate.

2010 SOFI Silver Outstanding Line Winner
As with all of the Mahjoub products, this is produced using traditional farming methods with no additives or artificial processes. It is 100% organic.